To Attain competence in a nurturing environment

Working in a nurturing environment naturally minimizes biologically and psychologically toxic influences but more importantly, teaches, promotes, and reinforces prosocial behavior, including self-regulatory behaviors and all of the skills needed to ensure we remain productive members of society.

Self Confidence

Anyone lacking a sense of self confidence will thrive in such a nurturing environment and as they achieve their own, peak level of competence, will naturally push at any pre-conceived limitations and find themselves admired and respected by their peers, thus boosting their self belief.

Self Knowledge

With self confidence boosted, the Mason is encouraged to look within and he can start to seek his inner enlightenment and what Masons refer to as the ‘knowledge of himself’. When a man loves himself, he is truly enabled to love others. To be emotionally connected with your own core values is to become emotionally intelligent and self-aware.


Having been guided to improve his relationship with his peers and then with himself, we are further enabled to begin our investigation into our relationship with our Maker, to investigate the ‘spiritual’ aspct of our nature. There are no Religious teachings within Craft Masonry, but as every member professes a belief in a Supreme Being and meetings include members of many different faiths, we are reminded to be tollerant of all Religious beliefs and to examine more deeply our own spiritual nature.