Bucks Masonic Benevolent Fund

Objectives and Activities

The Fund is established with the object of relieving distress by means of outright grants, annuities or other periodical payments or loans for or towards:

* The maintenance, clothing and education of necessitous children of necessitous or deceased Freemasons.

* The vocational training and advancement in life of such children after leaving school.

* The relief of Freemasons and their children and their wives and the widows of deceased Freemasons, all of whom are in necessitous circumstances.


The Buckinghamshire Masonic Benevolent Fund was formed in October 1902 at the Provincial Grand Meeting in Freemasons’ Hall, London.

The Benevolent Fund has an investment portfolio exceeding £2.0 million which realises approximately £109 K per annum. This annual income is currently sufficient for the Provincial Almoner to assist Buckinghamshire Freemasons and their dependents in times of distress caused by unforeseen financial difficulties.

The Fund supports a loan scheme of mobility aids including electric scooter and stair lifts. The Fund also provides interest free loans or grants to Buckinghamshire Freemasons when and where available.

Achievements and performance

During the year ended 30 April 2020, grants totalling £58,905 were disbursed to Buckinghamshire Freemasons and their dependents. A number of these grants were one-off payments to help our members and their dependents at a time of financial crisis or emergency. The majority of the grants have been made to heighten the welfare and quality of life for those who would otherwise struggle to exist on the minimum income. We have given £12,483 immediate support to those experiencing difficulty during the virus pandemic.

It is with a tremendous sense of gratitude that we acknowledge the additional support of The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) and the associated departments.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation has made 62 grants to our Brethren or dependants totalling £144,508