To discover privacy, to reflect and to consolidate

Many of us are so busy trying to forge ahead with our lives that we rarely take the time to slow down and be at one with our thoughts. Also, we often tend not to recognize the importance of self-reflection and the impact it can have on our lives.

Escape from daily pressures

Self-reflection helps us process our inner thoughts and feelings. When we allow ourselves to cycle our thoughts around in our heads, we tend only to confuse or frustrate ourselves more. Getting our thoughts clear in our mind can help us understand why we’re feeling a certain way and can in turn, make those feelings easier to navigate.

“The inner-self pretty much knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge we face is to silence the mind.”

Time to Relax

Masonic meetings offer the opportunity to meet behind closed doors without interruption or distraction. A time for group solitude. No mobile phones, no email and no outside influences of ANY kind. There is just one person outside the door to call your attention if there are any serious issues that require your attention.

Many people who say they they don’t believe in meditation, DO admit that they often find themselves arriving at a destination in their car with little or no memory of how they got there. This IS a form of meditation, but the motorway is a very dangerous place to practice it!

Without interruption and with a ‘mystery play’ unfolding in front of you that you are so familiar with that you possibly know all of the words, the mind is free to slip into healing mode without entering the sleep phase.