Benefits of membership

It’s undeniable that there are benefits to being a Freemason. These are not however as are frequently perceived; “favours” or “mates deals”. On the contrary. Any Freemason found using his membership for pecuniary benefit is likely to be excluded from membership.

If you ask any Mason about the benefits they perceive of their membership, you are likely to receive a range of answers ranging from friendship, to self improvement and mentoring, but the benefits do in fact go well beyond that.

Professional Attitude

We offer a variety of opportunities to suit your own skill sets and aspirations. Skills that may later assist you to achieve your personal goals. Ask yourself where you could most benefit and take advantage of our  mentoring programme to take you to the next level. We’ve got that covered!

Comprehensive Support

Our dynamic team support every aspect of your ‘self’.

We focus your charitable activities, improve your communication skills and minister your spiritual fulfilment.

Whatever you need to ultimately achieve your highest level of personal perfection.

Amazing Results

Where do we deliver the most?

Not only inside the Lodge room but in the community, at work and in your public and private avocations!

We find that if you are open to positive criticism then you’ll reap the rewards, but ‘nothing’s for nothing’. Your development and progress will be reflected against the effort you put in.